furry dog with yellow background
By kpprx1 March 3, 2025
Our pets aren’t just animals—they’re family. When they need medical care, we want to ensure they get the best possible treatment, one that is customized to their specific needs. That’s where pet compounding comes in. At Kearney Park Compounding Pharmacy (KPPRX), we know that every pet is one of a kind. That is why we offer specialized compounding services in the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas area to make caring for your furry companions easier and more effective.
By kpprx1 November 16, 2019
Click here to learn what are the Best Vitamins and Supplements for Women Over 40. For more information contact your local doctor or call our pharmacist.
By kpprx1 September 16, 2019
Pale or yellowish skin, dry and damaged hair and skin, more frequent headaches and dizziness, shortness of breath, tiredness or fatigue, faster heartbeat, and restless legs — If you are experiencing these symptoms lately, your body might be in dire need of iron. Iron deficiency is occurs when your body lacks iron, which results to […] The post Tips to Fight Iron Deficiency appeared first on Kearney Park Compounding Pharmacy.
By kpprx1 August 30, 2019
Our very own Dr. Barnes, a compound pharmacist at the Kearney Park Compound Pharmacy was featured this month on We are extremely proud and honored to have him on our staff and can’t wait to see what he does next. For the full article please click on VoyageDallas link or on the link below. […] The post Meet Dr. Fronce Barnes appeared first on Kearney Park Compounding Pharmacy.
By kpprx1 July 16, 2019
Contrary to popular belief, not all people avoiding the scorching heat of the sun are acting like vampires. Unfortunately, sun allergy is real and it is affecting more and more Americans. In fact, a lot of people with this level of skin sensitivity in the Fort Worth, Texas area are extremely vulnerable since the metropolis […] The post Is Sun Allergy Real? appeared first on Kearney Park Compounding Pharmacy.
By kpprx1 May 16, 2019
Are you suffering from unbelievably itchy skin? Have rashes started appearing at random parts of your body, often on your face, hands, and elbows? Do you experience skin irritation especially at night? These could be symptoms of eczema, a popular skin disease among children. Contrary to popular belief, adults can also have eczema or atopic […] The post Eczema for Adults appeared first on Kearney Park Compounding Pharmacy.
By kpprx1 March 15, 2019
Fatigue? Trouble losing weight? Inability to get warm? Hair loss?  Joint and muscle pain? Constipation?  Dry Skin? Irregular or Heavy menses? If any of these symptoms ring a bell you may have hypothyroidism. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland that is normally located at the base of the neck. This gland’s main function is […] The post 5 Facts About Hypothyroidism appeared first on Kearney Park Compounding Pharmacy.
By kpprx1 January 16, 2019
It is often hard to explain to kids what and why certain things are happening to them, especially when they experience sudden changes to their body. Diabetes can do this. As their parents, it is our responsibility to hold their hand and help them understand that no matter what happens they will not go through […] The post Understanding Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes for Kids appeared first on Kearney Park Compounding Pharmacy.
By kpprx1 November 15, 2018
It’s during childhood years that everyone discovers a lot about their food preferences, appetite, metabolism, and unfortunately, allergies. Around 8% of kids in the United States have a certain kind of food allergy. Good news is majority of them outgrow the allergy at a certain age. However, not everyone has the same reaction. Some experience […] The post Most Common Food Allergies Among Kids appeared first on Kearney Park Compounding Pharmacy.
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