Garg Bone Binder

Garg Bone Binder

Currently Unavailable

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This product requires a prescription. There is no compounding without a prescription for "office use" per FDA regulations.

Garg Bone Binder

Garg bone graft binder is used for creation of bone putty for intraoral grafting and socket preservation for future implant placement. Each 3ml syringe contains 1ml of bone graft material. This bone binder contains a combination of 40% CMC (Carboxymethylcellulose) and 60% glycerin.

Notes on Garg Bone Binder

  • Keep refrigerated until ready for use. Refrigeration helps improve separation but is not needed to maintain stability. This product is stable at room temperature.
  • Remove syringe from refrigerator 10-20 minutes before use.
  • Gently express glycerin (clear) and discard.
  • Mix CMC binder with preferred particulate bone
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