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How Men Can Get Breast Cancer

kpprx1 • October 19, 2017

Breast cancer is a female stereotype. Contrary to the popular notion that only women are prone to it, men are also in danger of getting the disease. Though the chances are slimmer, one can never be too careful, especially if the man is aged 60 and above.

Men can get breast cancer because they have breast tissues as well, just not as developed as women’s. The problem, however, is that the cancer is harder to detect because the tumor or lump is more difficult to feel out and most cases are diagnosed when it’s already too late. One thing to remember is that the risk of getting the disease gets higher with age; the earliest age that cancer can manifest is around mid-thirties.

Below are the most common factors on how men can get breast cancer.

  • Hereditary – It is no secret that cancer can be inherited. Men are more prone to breast cancer if they have a close family relative and if certain gene mutations were passed on to them, particularly the changes in tumor suppressive genes called BRCA2.
  • Klinefelter Syndrome – About one out of a thousand men have Klinefelter syndrome, wherein instead of having one X and Y chromosome, they get a Y and at least 2 X chromosomes. Because of having higher estrogen levels, they often have more developed breasts.
  • Liver Problems – Men with severe liver diseases, particularly cirrhosis, are likely to have more estrogen and lower androgens. The higher the estrogen level among men, the higher risk in getting breast cancer.
  • Radiation Exposure – Studies show that men who have had exposure to radiation treatments in the chest area have higher chances of getting the disease. Also, those who work in hot environments such as steel factories put their testicles at risk; and in response, their hormone levels become irregular.

Common Signs and Symptoms

If you think that you or your loved one is exposed to the above mentioned causes, then you can watch out for these common signs of breast cancer.

  • Painless lump or swelling in the breast area, under the arm, or around the collar bone
  • Nipple retraction and discharge
  • Change of color or scaling of the nipple

These can be signs of other diseases or they can be simple irregularities. Still, it is best to consult with a doctor as soon as possible.

Learn more about various diseases and the latest information on medication through our blog. You can also learn more on how to take advantage of compounding pharmacy here in the DFW area by contacting us here at Kearney Park Compounding Pharmacy.

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